The past two years have been a whirlwind for digital marketers – especially those who uses Facebook ads and Instagram ads. First, COVID-19 disrupted everything Special leads in 2020. Then, Apple rolled out iOS 14.5 earlier this year. Now we’re wondering what will happen with cookies across the web. channable-campaign-june-2022 For most of us, the name of the game the Special leads past two years has been survival: “How can I maintain (or at least get close to maintaining) the same ROAS and
CPA I was back in 2019? I just want to make it through the Special leads whirlwind… and not get fired or lose my clients.” Right? Brew Interactive wants to help you change your mindset (and your ROI) in 2022. In this post, we’ll hit on: A review of the biggest shakeups from 2020 and 2021 How to thrive on Facebook in 2022 3 tactics working right now (along with examples of their Special leads most successful ads from 2021 – with metrics) A Review of Facebook Advertising in 2020-2021 2020 and 2021 were some of the most unpredictable for marketers Special leads since the recession of 2008.
If you closed your eyes, you probably felt like you were the Special leads leading character in the latest binge-worthy Netflix series – with Apple and COVID-19 as the villains. Let’s look at both and examine what they mean for Facebook advertising: COVID-19 The world saw Special leads a significant decrease in Facebook advertising costs during the coronavirus outbreak, beginning in March 2020 – a 100% drop in many industries. In many industries, these lower ad costs meant all-time highs in