It is up to the employer to captivate and bind all those unique people, with their unique wishes and typical generational characteristics. Because you can not only set up a tree about Mobile Phone Number generation management, but an entire forest, we have focused on internal communication. How can internal communication help to 'fascinate and bind' employees? In order not to get lost in the 'generation management forest', we spoke to generation Y (millennials). This generation Mobile Phone Number was born between 1986 and 2000 and in many organizations it is the youngest generation in the workplace. Experience experts (millennials) Christina, Hester,
Tim, Anne and Naomi tell us how they view 'ensuring and binding' and what an Mobile Phone Number organization should and should not do. In addition to the 'Y's', we also spoke with occupational and organizational psychologist Geertje Peneder of Generations Inc. It became Mobile Phone Number instructive conversations about fascination, binding and need: the 3BS! Get to know the internal drivers “For Mobile Phone Number the young generation, preconditions such as salary are often not the most relevant,” says Geertje Peneder. “It's important, but it's even more about connecting with the internal Mobile Phone Number drivers. Only in this way can you find and maintain the connection with this generation.
Variety is a good example of an internal motivation that consultants, Mobile Phone Number among others, can connect well with. Seeing many different customers is a motivation that appeals to young people.” Naomi: “Personal attention to my growth is important to me.” Mobile Phone Number But what are the internal motivations of this generation? For Christina, learning and development is more important than salary. “The step from training to the work field is a big one. You don't have some knowledge when you just start working”, adds Hester.