You will receive messages requesting quotes or some old prospect in need of that incredible discount that you offer on dates like Christmas or your birthday. This will cause you to see yourself in the obligation to continue with your customer service work, leaving your closest people standing up in the middle of a festive gathering without any justification. The saddest thing about this case is doing it because it is your business and without the certainty that they will contract some of the services or buy any of the products that you offer.
Arbitrary and unfair taxes entrepreneurship taxes I don't know where you are reading this from. You may live in a place with little rigor in tax matters or with derisory taxes for entrepreneurs. If this is your case, you should be grateful because constantly shelling out money as an online entrepreneur is complete torture . Spain Latest Mailing Database has one of the toughest tax policies in the world for the self-employed. What if the self-employed quota , what if the VAT , what if the personal income tax , I usually say that when we undertake we go halves with the state (at least here in Spain). Which means a considerable amount of money that, especially when we started, we think it's ours but it's NOT. When you have to make your quarterly or annual statements, you will see how nice it is to be self-employed.
Imagine that you invoice €48,000 a year with enormous effort and dedication, leaving your children without parents for a few hours or even days to attend to client projects or extremely urgent orders. Now get used to the idea that you are going to be left with only €24,000. The rest will be left to do . But it is that from what you have left, you will have to pay your expenses, tools, freelancers who do some work for you How are you staying? I doubt you'll jump for joy! Now approach it from the perspective of an entrepreneur with a turnover up to 50% lower than the one I am telling you about and with so many personal and business needs. This will reduce our competitive advantage over professionals in countries with more relaxed taxes. This is something that discourages anyone to the ground.